What Does Growth Mean?

Today I am remembering that it is sometimes uncomfortable to grow.  Growth means that we have begin new patterns.  We can no longer let my emotions and stubbornness get in the way of what God is trying to make us into. Sometimes we feel like we’re all alone.  It feels like God has placed us inside this dark world all alone.  But I have good news…..we can cast our cares upon the one who cares….GOD

Through our experiences we feel beat up and abandoned, but God is with us.

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and defeated, but remember God is with us.

Woman you are loved by God, know that God hasn’t left you! He’s in control of it all!


A Woman’s Prayer:

Lord we come to you as humble as we know how. We thank you for your many blessings, and lessons you have allowed us to learn.  As we adventure through many challenges in our lives, help us to remember that all things work together for those who love You.  Help us to not focus on the situation, but the opportunity to learn and grow. Show us your will and your way.  As we learn who we are, help us to see ourselves the way you see us.  Almighty God open our eyes, so we don’t stop ourselves from changing for the better.

In the sweet name of Jesus…..Amen!

Is There Any Good Left In Me????

Good Afternoon lovelies,

Today let’s remember what God is really about.  He sees your heart past your faults.   Sometimes we think that we are too messed up to be fixed by God, but that’s so untrue.  Life with Him is an everyday growing process. Only through Him are we able to reach our destiny.   God is able to reconstruct the norm to fulfill His will for your life.